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Motoring Today

You have a beautiful garden outside your house, but what about that old car parked there? There’s no room for it in your garage. You already have two cars parked there. What would you do? Well, it has been there for years, and who has time to think about the age-old piece of junk. Right? We all have been in this situation some time or the other. Owning a car is barely a luxury anymore. In fact, it has been a basic necessity for over a century now. However, it becomes difficult to get rid of them once they become outdated.

Cars age with passing years. Each year an upgraded model launches, and soon you move to the next model. What is left behind is an old car that can no longer be maintained and is merely junk to you. So what can you do? Yes, there’s an option to get it towed away. Besides, many people opt to sell them. However, selling an old car can be difficult and time-consuming. What if we tell you that you can get rid of your old car and get paid for it? Yes, you read that right. A vehicle removal service enables you to earn money by scrapping your old car.


What Is The Process Of Car Scraping?


Car scrapping has become quite popular amongst people who own old cars. It serves as a win-win situation for all. Besides, you can get your car scrapped completely within the government’s guidelines and be assured of no illegal discrepancy as many old vehicles are incompatible with pollution efficiency. By scrapping your old car, you earn money as well as contribute to your environment’s quality by getting them off the road. Further, you can get your vehicle deregistered from the RTO and help them update their vehicle records.

However, choosing a random scraper will not get the job done. Instead, your vehicle can be used for wrong purposes. Thus, it is best advised to hire an authentic and government-approved car scraper. This way, you are able to scrap your car according to the government’s protocol and avoid any trickery. In case you don’t have the original registration certificate for an old car, you can provide the car scraper with a photocopy as well.

Make sure that the chassis number from your car is removed before the car is scrapped. A chassis number is a unique vehicle number attached to your vehicle by the manufacturer. An attested scrap dealer will get it removed before using the scrap for recycling. After getting your vehicle scrapped, you will have to visit the RTO office to get your vehicle deregistered. It is advisable to take some photographs at the scraping site. These photographs can be provided as a piece of evidence at the RTO office to avoid any doubts or misinformation.


Getting The Best Prices!


Coming to the price that you get for scrapping your car, there is no fixed value that you may receive. It completely depends on your vehicle’s condition. The scrap dealer will conduct an inspection of your vehicle before approving it for the scraping process. This inspection will help him determine the vehicle’s efficacy and whether he can make use of its spare parts or not. Generally, a car in a moving condition passes for selling its spare parts. You can sell it for those spare parts and get paid accordingly.

However, if your vehicle is not in moving condition, the dealer will offer you a price for its metal weight. He will then separate the car’s part and recycle them into plastics, rubber, and iron. Although, you can negotiate with the dealer for the value of your car’s batteries, tires, and tool-kit as well. You can pitch for a higher price if your car has a CNG cylinder installed in it. After the scraping process is completely done, you will have to surrender your detached chassis number as well as the RC with the RTO office. They will keep your RC and chassis number for their record.


Finding The Right Value!


If you want to get the true value of your car, visit an attested scrap dealer. Top Cash For Scrap Cars is one of the best and most efficient scrap dealers. We ensure a hassle-free scraping process for you. Our team has well-trained and experienced scrapers who can determine the actual value of your car and offer the right price. You can check out our services and payment options at our website


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