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4 Jobs You Can Do and Live from Anywhere in The World

Whether staying connected to your team, running an errand for a company president, or taking on those final responsibilities of a career block grant, you want to make sure that your time is well spent. However, working from home isn't always possible or practical for everyone. When your schedule inevitably changes and you need to work remotely, it can be helpful to know where exactly you stand concerning employment opportunities. Working anywhere within the world can be a privilege and a responsibility simultaneously. Many significant job opportunities reward you for moving forward and being productive at the moment. Let's look at some of the best jobs that enable you to work and live anywhere.

Software Developer

If you are location independent, software development is another good job you can do as you travel around the globe. This position is often associated with application development, web development, and mobile app development. You will be responsible for building software that runs on remote devices and interacting with users on the device. This is a hands-on job, which means you will spend a lot of time looking at errors and working to fix them. You will also be accountable for implementing new technologies and maintaining equipment associated with the remote work.

Digital Marketing Specialist

For digital nomads and those who want to work remotely and are comfortable with basic electronics, they may be able to remotely work as digital marketing specialists. This job is usually associated with sales or business marketing. You will be responsible for promoting your company's products and services through various channels, including traditional media like newspapers, social media, and external websites. You will also be responsible for managing internal communications and project monitoring.

Network Engineer

If you are willing to work remotely and are comfortable with networking and implementing technologies, you may be able to Remote Work as a network engineer. This job is usually associated with network security, management, and internet security. You will be responsible for maintaining equipment and devices related to the network, optimizing its performance, and monitoring its health. It is best to make a nomad insurance comparison to protect your tech gear as you travel.

Freelance Writer/Producer

If you are willing to work remotely and help other people, you may be able to work as a freelance writer or producer. This is a freelance job that entails you taking control of your career from home. You will work from home as a full-time job, making time for your creative side and travelling when needed. These types of work are often done as remote jobs, so you don't have to trudge through traffic while commuting to work; they include IT project management and content writing. You will work on projects related to your location and the company you are interested in. You may perform onside Guest posting or reporting responsibilities or work as an interviewee, discussing your work or company. You will be responsible for creating an online portfolio and responding to reviews and customer service inquiries. You may also handle customer service inquiries remotely.


The world is full of amazing jobs that enable you to work anywhere. Working remotely can be a great way to make new friends and meet new challenges.

About the Author

Patrick Watt is a content writer, writing in several areas, primarily in business growth, value creation, M&A, and finance. Other interests also include content marketing and self-development. Say hi to Patrick on Twitter @patrickwattpat.

Business Daily Media