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Australia's leading adventure travel company, World Expeditions, has launched an exciting new range of active travel adventures for women only.

World Expeditions CEO, Sue Badyari, said the specially-crafted Women's Adventures have been developed in response to the growing number of women seeking active adventure experiences in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment.

“There is something special about sharing your adventures with like-minded women,” Ms Badyari said.

“The shared experience away from family & work pressures can allow you to take some time for yourself, push personal boundaries and make some great lifelong friendships along the way.

“And there's certainly a great element of camaraderie and team spirit that exists in an all women group. And a mix of ladies coming together from different parts of the globe to embark on a great adventure is very attractive.”

Ms Badyari said the number of women participating in World Expeditions' active adventure tours has increased significantly in the past 20 years - growing from around 38% in 1996 to 54% in 2016.

“Working in the adventure travel industry, we know that women traveller's aspirations to engage with trekking, cycling and even climbing mountains can be as robust as their male counterparts,” Ms Badyari said.

"And nowadays, even on the most challenging adventure tours, such as trekking or mountaineering in remote mountain regions, women now make up around 30% of the tour group.

“We've taken this demand for active adventure travel for women to the next level, offering specially-crafted small group itineraries for women only in some of the world's most exciting, natural destinations.

“So, whether the goal is to trek to Everest Base Camp, walk along village trails flanked by the soaring peaks of the Annapurna, camp under the stars in the outback, climb Africa's highest peak, trek to the ruins of Machu Picchu, or discover some of the great walks of Europe, we have a great range of women only adventures to choose from,” she said.

Ms Badyari said all of the World Expeditions Women's Adventures are fully guided and supported, and wherever possible, will be led by a female local guide.

“And all of our itineraries have a minimal impact philosophy at the heart of each adventure and forge authentic cultural exchange, real exploration and certainly plenty of fun times.”

There are 21 small-group Women's Adventures in the suite including:

  • Larapinta Goddess Walk – a three day getaway for adventurous women looking to experience the beauty of the Larapinta whilst harnessing their inner yogi. From $1490 per person (departs Alice Springs)
  • Women's Heyson Trail & Flinders Ranges – a six day fully supported trekking adventure exploring the best sections of the Heysen Trail on South Australia's Flinders Range. From $2295 per person (departs Adelaide)
  • Women's Salcantay Trek & Machu Picchu – a unique seven-day adventure on arguably the best short trek alternative to the classic Inca Trail. From $2080 per person (departs Cusco)
  • Women's Vietnam Charity Challenge – a challenging 10 challenge trekking through the small local villages of Northern Vietnam while raising vital funds and awareness for your favourite charity. From $1990 per person plus fundraising component (departs Hanoi).

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