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GetUp have been exposed today for having amended their constitution, registered with ASIC, to include a specific reference to the organisation being for a charitable purpose.

ASIC records show that GetUp changed its constitution by special resolution in 2014 to:

The object for which the company is formed (‘the objects’) is to advance progressive public policy in Australia, where that advancement furthers a charitable purpose,

(a)        building a diverse community of Australians committed to strengthening progressive public policy

(b)        providing new and innovative ways for Australians to participate in the political life of the nation

(c)        campaigning to advance progressive public policy in Australia, and

(d)        educating Australians about progressive public policy issues

“For GetUp to include in its governing document a reference to acting for a ‘charitable purpose’ should set off alarm bells,” Senator Abetz said today.

“Despite the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission confirming that GetUp is not a charity, it should be of deep concern that GetUp specifically amended its constitution to include a reference to its objectives being related to a ‘charitable purpose’.”

This seems entirely inconsistent with GetUp’s own statements that “…we don’t have (or want) charity status.  Why?  Because it means our movement never has to shy away from being political…”

“GetUp must explain why it changed its governing document with ASIC and whether it has ever sought to become a charity.”

“GetUp has proven itself to act in a dishonest and duplicitous manner time and time again and it should immediately provide a full response to these serious questions,” Senator Abetz concluded.

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