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The Role of Support Coordination in Navigating the NDIS: A Comprehensive Guide

Support coordination plays a crucial role in helping National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants navigate the scheme and achieve their goals. To help you decide if support coordination is the right fit for you, we will explore what it entails, how it works, and its benefits.

Understanding Support Coordination

What is Support Coordination?

Support coordination is a service provided to NDIS participants to help them understand and implement their NDIS plans. A support coordinator works with individuals to connect them with the right services and supports, ensuring they get the most out of their NDIS funding. If you’re looking to understand how support coordination can benefit you, consider exploring support coordination services for tailored assistance.

Types of Support Coordination

There are three levels of support coordination under the NDIS:

  1. Support Connection: Assists participants in understanding their NDIS plan and connecting with NDIS and community supports.

  2. Support Coordination: A more involved level of support, helping participants to build skills and coordinate their supports effectively. (This is the most common form of support.)

  3. Specialist Support Coordination: For participants with more complex needs, requiring specialist expertise to manage and coordinate their supports.

The Role of a Support Coordinator

A support coordinator helps NDIS participants in various ways, including:

  • Understanding their NDIS plan: Explaining the details of the plan, including what supports are funded and to what amount.

  • Connecting with services: Finding and linking participants with suitable service providers, so that they can begin using their funds.

  • Capacity building: Enhancing participants' ability to manage their own supports and services.

  • Crisis management: Providing support during emergencies or crises.

  • Plan reviews: Assisting with preparing for NDIS plan reviews to ensure ongoing support needs are met.

The Importance of Support Coordination in the NDIS

Personalised Assistance

Each NDIS participant has unique needs and goals. Support coordinators tailor their assistance to fit individual circumstances, ensuring participants receive personalized support.

Navigating Complex Systems

The NDIS can be challenging to navigate. Support coordinators are well-versed in the system and can help participants understand and access the services they need.

Building Independence

Support coordination focuses on capacity building, empowering participants to manage their own supports and services over time, fostering greater independence.

Examples of Support Coordination in Action

John has complex needs and requires multiple services to support his daily life. His specialist support coordinator works with him to:

  • Develop a comprehensive plan that integrates all necessary services.

  • Manage his appointments and coordinate between healthcare providers.

  • Assist in crisis situations, ensuring continuity of care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does a support coordinator do?

A support coordinator helps NDIS participants understand their plan, connect with services, build capacity, and manage crises. They play a vital role in ensuring participants can achieve their goals and make the most of their NDIS funding.

How do I get support coordination?

Support coordination must be included in your NDIS plan. During your planning meeting, discuss your need for support coordination with your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC).

What is the difference between a support coordinator and a Local Area Coordinator (LAC)?

A support coordinator works directly with participants to implement their NDIS plans and coordinate supports, while a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) helps with the initial planning and understanding of the NDIS plan. They’re actually similar in some ways. Support coordination is a funded support.

How often can I access my support coordinator?

The frequency of access to a support coordinator depends on the level of support coordination included in your NDIS plan and your individual needs. Regular contact is typically maintained to ensure ongoing support.

Statistics and Facts

  • Approximately 20% of NDIS participants utilize support coordination services to help manage their plans.

  • 80% of participants who use support coordination report improved outcomes in achieving their goals.

  • $22 billion is allocated annually to NDIS funding to support over 500,000 Australians with disabilities.


Support coordination is an invaluable service within the NDIS, offering personalised assistance, navigating complex systems, and building independence for participants. By understanding and using support coordination, NDIS participants can achieve their goals and enhance their quality of life.

For those looking to get started with support coordination, discuss this need during your NDIS planning meeting and ensure it’s included in your plan. With the right support coordinator, navigating the NDIS becomes a much more manageable and empowering experience.

External Resources

For more detailed information on support coordination, visit the NDIS Support Coordination page.

Business Daily Media