The Spartan Internet Political Performance Index (SIPP Index) for the 2012 Election has not seen much fluctuation above or below the 20% line for Romney, until now. The past two weeks of internet strategy has resulted in Romney reaching higher on the SIPP Index than he has since it was calculating the Republican Primaries. It tops out this week at 24.35%.
Although this past week's increase is slight, the continued trend upward is more telling of the progress being made within the Romney camp and their attention to the internet. We should expect Obama's internet stranglehold to lessen more and more in the coming weeks as Romney spreads his campaign further into the World Wide Web.
This week's results can be found here
Spartan Internet has leveraged its web expertise to objectively develop the SIPP Index to quantify 650 relevant factors into a single representative score for each candidate's overall internet market share out of 100%. The 650 factors are derived from numeric values from across the Internet such as social networks, candidate websites, and blogs, news media and search engines. The resulting score is indicative of each candidates overall online ability to reach individuals and connect on key issues.
About Spartan Internet:
Spartan Internet Consulting is a leading online marketing consulting firm and strategic internet planning and implementation services provider. We service global clients, as well as small businesses with SEO and paid search marketing. Spartan Internet has more than 30 specialists on staff with offices in Lansing, metro Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, and Washington DC.
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