Aside from each of the presidential candidates competing against one another on policy, their campaign websites are also competing. Both Obama and Romney have a paid search marketing budget, but Obama is spending a significant amount more than Romney per month. How the websites are optimized for search engines have a significant impact on the websites performance. Barack Obama's campaign website, barackobama.com, receives around 6.5 million US visitors a month, according to Quantcast.com. That's around 6 million more than mittromney.com, Mitt Romney's campaign site, receives.
The amount of traffic to Barack Obama's website as opposed to Mitt Romney's can be attributed to the SEO of the candidate's websites. Mitt Romney's website has only 16% of the amount of external followed link Barack Obama's website has. According to SEOmoz.com, barackobama.com has 337,611 external followed links compared to 54,441 external followed links for mittromney.com. Link building is essential for the SEO of campaign websites.
The lessons for publicists for political candidates apply equally to SEO for businesses. In order to get ahead of the opposition, time has to be spent on learning the keywords that are being used and using an SEO specialist to match their marketing tactics.
This week's results can be found at:
Spartan Internet has leveraged its web expertise to objectively develop the SIPP Index to quantify 650 relevant factors into a single representative score for each candidate's overall internet market share out of 100%. The 650 factors are derived from numeric values from across the Internet such as social networks, candidate websites, and blogs, news media and search engines. The resulting score is indicative of each candidates overall online ability to reach individuals and connect on key issues.
About Spartan Internet:
Spartan Internet Consulting is a leading online marketing consulting firm that provides strategic internet plotting and implementation services to global clients as well as SEO for small businesses. Spartan Internet has more than 30 specialists on staff with offices in Lansing, metro Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, and Washington DC.
Spartan Internet, Internet Marketing
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