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When it comes to modern businesses establishing a strong and overwhelmingly successful foothold in their respective industries, advertising and marketing are always at the forefront of propelling that success forward. One of the most domineering digital marketing strategies there is happens to be SEO (search engine optimisation). To put it simply, SEO is how businesses and individuals can have a hand in affecting the visibility of their website (or just a particular web page, for example, an article) online. Thought widely of as the propeller of organic online visibility results, SEO is a powerful marketing tool – when used adequately. SEO can quite literally break or break a website or a web page, and so it is of crucial importance that the minds behind those pages and sites take special care to adhere to SEO practices as much as they possibly can.

The value in Search Engine Optimisation

Every business with an online presence should be making use of SEO. This is not a drill, nor is it an exaggeration. Every business should be investing in SEO marketing strategizing. Whether that means taking advantage of the services of a professional SEO company, or doing the leg work and hard yards all on one’s own, the fact remains the same: SEO is a prominent modern business strategy these days, and that is not likely to change any time soon. In fact, the hold that SEO has on the success of websites and web pages is only going to increase the more emphasis that we put on ecommerce and the online landscape in general.

Comparing SEO to traditional marketing

It is no secret that marketing has gone through something of a revitalisation during the introduction of widespread digitalisation and technological advancement. This much is certain. Traditional marketing concepts like print marketing and door-to-door marketing no longer have the same hold as they used to. Not because they have been rendered useless in the wake of digitalisation, but because digital marketing strategies – SEO being one of the biggest – are the modern 2.0 versions of them. And that is the magic of search engine optimisation; it takes the success of traditional marketing concepts like word-of-mouth and print marketing, and gives them a digital makeover that has a lot stronger of a hold.

Titans of industry join the SEO wave

Companies like BBC have jumped on the SEO bandwagon, and for good reason. SEO has become standard practice for most businesses and general spaces online over the last few years, and it continues to become more and more prominent as time goes on. When a master of industry like BBC News takes note of modern marketing strategies enough to completely change their tactics (in this case, changing the entire website to feature longer headlines on story pages, thus allowing search engines to find them more easily), that is the true mark of success, the pivotal moment where a digital marketing concept becomes more than a passing phase in digital marketing.

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